Stella Mary's Parents

Stella Mary's Parents

At Stella Mary's school all over the globe, you'll find Stella Mary's parents joining in and supporting their child's learning, both in the classroom and at home.

Inspired by a whole world of mums, dads, grandparents, guardians and carers, we've put together some great resources and regular activities to engage and involve you. Take a look below.

You can play an active role in your child's education

Every school is unique, yet our school is committed to working closely with you, the parents. Your children are the most important people we work with, but it's you who make their education a true success.

Working with so many diverse cultures and communities means that we have a whole nation of mums, dads, guardians and carers to draw on for expertise and support. We love to make use of your amazing resources. That's why we regularly run carefully developed parental engagement and parental involvement activities and events in our schools.

Parental involvement

Bake sales, charity fundraisers, cultural activities, reading time – there are so many ways for you to get involved in your child's education at your Stella Mary's school.

Getting hands-on doesn't just show your support for your child, it's also a brilliant way to get involved in school life; meeting Stella Mary's teachers, talking to other Stella Mary's parents and finding out what your student's classmates are up to.

Thanks to the involvement of Stella Mary's families, our school is a lively hub in our local communities.

Parental engagement

Parental engagement is a little different to parental involvement. It's all about taking learning out of the classroom and keeping it going at home.

Every parent has something special to offer their child. Engaged parents value education. They are strong role models of learning.

Our School is the Best Choice for your KID


A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner.


Encouraging children to try out new things and ideas is a crucial factor in their intellectual, physical and emotional growth. Everything kids experience and explore about themselves influences their further development.


Play is important for the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development of children. In addition to being critical for general health, play develops life skills for children among peers and family members.